The newest addition to the Portledge Community, The Athletic and Wellness Center, is set to be completed in July 2024
Many clubs at Portledge have had different ideas for raising money for their group, as well as how to spend that money.
Several members of the faculty and staff at Portledge are celebrating significant milestone in their career at Portledge School!
This year, the Asian Student Association was able to successfully surpass standards.
This year, Mr. Hills made Portledge history by officially becoming the longest-serving faculty member ever in the school.
Chicago was a production put on by the Portledge High School. The cast of 30 devoted students worked tirelessly to put the show together.
It was another successful year for Portledge Athletics!
This 2023-2024 season, the Portledge Girls Varsity Basketball team played incredibly, dominating their competition and putting this basketball program on the map in Long Island.
This past fall season, the Portledge Girls Varsity Soccer team claimed their fourth PSAA Championship.
In all of Portledge history, it is rare to come across an athlete as talented as senior captain, Franklin Escobar.
This spring, Portledge School was thrilled to host an extraordinary performance of the musical Chicago
Nate Bahnik, a standout athlete from the class of 2026 at Portledge, has made a name for himself as a competitive skier.